Information about the company Soventus Energy in Astana (Kazakhstan) : Allbiz
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+7 (705) 111-01-47

About enterprise Soventus Energy

UgRegionPlast LLP makes the following products from polypropylene: - SPS (sewer pump stations), LOS (local treatment facilities work by the principle of aerobic sewage treatment with three to reactors, are completed with diffusers, bioloading and aerlifty); - zhiroulovitel for the enterprises of the food industry, restaurants, cafe; - petrooil separator; - capacities for drinking water of any form and the size; - accumulative capacities from 5 to 1000 cubic meters can be used for storage of water, sour-milk production, tekh.zhidkost, acids of alkalis, etc.; - galvanic lines; ventilating channels; - bowls of pools of various form and sizes; - wells plastic drainage and sewer (checkpoints), wells are completely tight and steady against hostile environment; - universal capacities for transportation of live fish are established on any vehicle having or opened cubes in summertime. Or the isothermal refrigerator - the heater in winter time (for example, for transportation of a trout)); - capacities for sale of live fish; - production of the chlorination installations both with mechanical system and with automatic system with air supply; All products are made individually by the customer's sizes. Production of products of irregular shape, and also assembly of large-size products on an installation site is possible.


All Information about the company Soventus Energy.